Welcome to the CLC Training Division

We provide the technical skills and leadership training needed to lead high adventure activities with youth.

Following proven best practices, we promote safety, technical expertise, personal growth, stewardship, and the lifelong pursuit of adventure.

The goal is not to produce elite athletes pursuing extreme sports, but rather, to make high adventure accessible to normal teenagers and adults.

Teenagers want to do exciting, fun things in the great outdoors. So do adults. Everyone needs someone in their corner, helping them to do risky things well, and safely. CLC training will get you onto the path to adventure, together.

Rock Climbing


Sea Kayaking

Whitewater Rafting

Backcountry Travel

Wilderness First Aid

  • What we do

    We train the youth leaders and adult volunteers of CLC’s troop and crew.

    We also invite other community-based youth groups to participate in our courses, including school outdoor clubs, Scouting units and church-affiliated youth outdoor youth programs.

  • How to get involved

    Reach out to our training team to find out more. If we are right for your group, we’ll send you information on how to access our training calendar, course registration and additional resources.

  • Training Member Area

    This area provides access to the training calendar, course registration and additional information.

    If you aren’t yet registered for the area, you’ll need a password from the training team. Then click below.

    Already registered for the area? Just log into the website from the top navigation and links to the training area will appear in your account area.